
Chess10 & Co. just finished their comeback photo shoot, after their 10 month break. Behind the scenes will be posted here on the site as well as the photographers website at, www.chess10andco/weebly.com

You can officially download her Realize EP free at Datpiff!!! www.datpiff.com/Aunjel-Adams-Realize-mixtape.550613.html or just got to www.aunjeladamsmusic.com and click the cover art on the home page itll direct you straight to DatPiff. You can also go to Amoeba music (The worlds largest independent record store) 6400 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA And pick up a Physical copy for 5$ please go in and support an independent LA artist on the rise!!

House of Desire now have a direct link for online orders. http://www.houseofdesire.storenvy.com/ Check them out under, "Fashion."

Chess10 & Co. just finished their comeback photo shoot, after their 10 month break. Behind the scenes will be posted here on the site as well as the photographers website at, www.chess10andco/weebly.com

Owners, Jaime & Cesar, Will Be Hosting, "Top Sekoms 3rd Annual Holiday Toy Drive." Presented By Countrfeits When: December 14th, 2013 Where: Top Sekoms Shop 1023 E. 4th St, Long Beach, CA

Owners, Jaime & Cesar, Will Be Hosting, "Top Sekoms 3rd Annual Holiday Toy Drive." Presented By Countrfeits When: December 14th, 2013 Where: Top Sekoms Shop 1023 E. 4th St, Long Beach, CA
Your Network to Long Beach, Los Angeles, & Orange County's Local Underground Artists/Talents.
Music By: ZooFunktion